Voters within San Marino city limits and the boundaries of the San Marino Unified School District can expect to receive their ballots this week for Measure E, the parcel tax that raises $4 million annually.
The special election will be held on Tuesday, March 2, by mail-in ballot. In order to be counted, ballots must be postmarked no later than that date.
Measure E raises $968 per parcel, adjusted by the lesser of the Los Angeles Statistical Area Consumer Price Index or 3%, including commercial properties within the boundaries of the school district.
First approved by voters in 2009 for a six-year term, the parcel tax was renewed in 2015 and is scheduled to expire in June. If Measure E receives the required two-thirds vote this year, taxpayers will be charged in perpetuity, as the six-year sunset clause has been removed from the ballot. The official ballot statement says that the tax will be assessed in each fiscal year “until ended by voters.” Voters 65 years of age and older can apply for an exemption.
Measure E funds 35 full-time equivalent teaching positions, which will be eliminated if the parcel tax is not passed, according to the SMUSD.
A second school parcel tax — Measure R — is scheduled to sunset in June 2025. First approved by voters in 1991, Measure R generates $1.6 million annually at $366 per parcel and also includes all parcels and commercial properties located within the city of San Marino as well as the boundaries of the SMUSD. Measure R currently carries a six-year term and requires two-thirds approval by voters.
Ballots Arrive for School Parcel Tax Election